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Fire Safety and Epoxy Flooring: Understanding Combustibility and Flame Resistance Measures

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Fire Safety and Epoxy Flooring: Understanding Combustibility and Flame Resistance Measures

Epoxy flooring is a type of durable and versatile flooring solution commonly used in industrial and commercial settings. It offers numerous benefits, such as chemical resistance and ease of maintenance. However, when it comes to fire safety, it is crucial to understand the combustibility of epoxy flooring and the measures in place to ensure flame resistance.

Epoxy flooring is a type of flooring that consists of epoxy resins and hardeners. It is a popular choice due to its durability, resistance to chemicals, and seamless finish. However, it is important to note that epoxy flooring is not inherently fire-resistant. In the event of a fire, epoxy flooring can contribute to the spread of flames and release toxic fumes if not properly treated.

Fire safety is of utmost importance when it comes to epoxy flooring. Various measures are taken to enhance its fire resistance and ensure the safety of occupants in the building. These measures include:

  1. Fire-Retardant Epoxy Formulations: Manufacturers develop epoxy formulations with fire-retardant properties to reduce the likelihood of the flooring contributing to the spread of flames.
  2. Fire-Resistant Coatings and Overlays: Applying fire-resistant coatings or overlays on top of the epoxy flooring can significantly improve its flame resistance.
  3. Intumescent Coatings: Intumescent coatings are designed to expand and create a protective char layer when exposed to heat, providing enhanced fire resistance to the epoxy flooring.
  4. Flame Spread Ratings: Flame spread ratings measure the ability of a material to support the spread of flames. It is important to choose epoxy flooring with low flame spread ratings to minimize the risk of fire propagation.
  5. Smoke Development Ratings: Smoke development ratings indicate the amount of smoke produced when a material burns. Opting for epoxy flooring with low smoke development ratings can help improve the overall fire safety in the building.
  6. Fire-Resistant Substrates: Using fire-resistant substrates, such as concrete or fire-resistant underlays, can add an extra layer of protection and enhance the flame resistance of the epoxy flooring system.

In addition to the measures taken to improve the fire resistance of epoxy flooring, there are regulations and standards in place to ensure fire safety. Building codes and regulations dictate the specific requirements and standards for fire safety in buildings, including the use of fire-resistant materials like epoxy flooring. Fire testing standards are also established to evaluate the fire performance of materials and determine their suitability for use in various applications.

Lastly, proper installation and maintenance of epoxy flooring are essential for ensuring fire safety. Following recommended installation procedures and conducting regular inspections and maintenance can help identify any issues or damage that may compromise the fire-resistant properties of the flooring. providing fire safety training and education to occupants and personnel in the building can help raise awareness and promote safe practices in case of a fire emergency.

By understanding the and implementing appropriate , it is possible to minimize the risk of fire and enhance the overall fire safety in buildings where epoxy flooring is installed.

Key takeaways:

Key takeaway:

  • Epoxy flooring enhances fire safety: Understanding the combustibility and flame resistance measures in epoxy flooring is crucial for ensuring a safe environment.
  • Fire safety measures for epoxy flooring: Fire-retardant epoxy formulations, fire-resistant coatings and overlays, intumescent coatings, flame spread ratings, smoke development ratings, and fire-resistant substrates are important factors to consider.
  • Compliance with regulations and standards: Adhering to building codes and regulations, as well as implementing fire testing standards, is essential for maintaining fire safety in epoxy flooring.

Fire Safety and Epoxy Flooring: Understanding Combustibility and Flame Resistance Measures

When it comes to fire safety and epoxy flooring, it is crucial to understand the combustibility and flame resistance measures. Here are some important factors to consider:

1. Material composition: Epoxy flooring is composed of resins and hardeners that provide durability and chemical resistance. It is important to choose epoxy flooring materials that have been tested and meet the necessary fire safety standards.

2. Flame spread rating: Epoxy flooring should have a low flame spread rating to minimise the risk of fire spreading rapidly. Look for epoxy flooring with a flame spread rating that meets the requirements of the building codes and regulations.

3. Fire resistance properties: Epoxy flooring should have good fire resistance properties to withstand the heat and flames. This can be achieved by adding fire retardant additives or using specially formulated epoxy coatings with fire-resistant properties.

4. Fire suppression systems: In areas where the fire risk is high, such as industrial settings or commercial kitchens, consider installing fire suppression systems. These systems can automatically detect and suppress fire, providing an additional layer of protection for epoxy flooring and the surrounding areas.

5. Regular maintenance: Proper maintenance of epoxy flooring is essential for fire safety. Regular inspections, cleaning, and repairs should be carried out to ensure that the epoxy flooring remains in optimal condition and any potential fire hazards are addressed promptly.

By considering these aspects, you can ensure that your epoxy flooring meets the necessary fire safety standards and provides a secure environment. Understanding the combustibility and flame resistance measures is critical to maintaining a safe and fire-resistant space.

What is Epoxy Flooring?

Epoxy flooring is a type of flooring material that is commonly used in industrial, commercial, and residential settings. It is made from a mixture of resin and hardening agents, which, when combined, create a durable and high-performance surface. Epoxy flooring is known for its seamless appearance and ability to resist wear, chemicals, and stains.

The main advantage of epoxy flooring is its strength and durability. It can withstand heavy foot and vehicle traffic, making it ideal for areas where there is a lot of movement, such as warehouses, garages, and manufacturing facilities. Epoxy flooring is resistant to chemicals, making it a popular choice for laboratories and hospitals.

Another benefit of epoxy flooring is its ease of maintenance. The smooth surface of epoxy flooring makes it easy to clean and prevents the accumulation of dust, dirt, and debris. Regular sweeping and mopping are usually sufficient to keep the floor looking clean and presentable.

Epoxy flooring is also available in a variety of colours and finishes, allowing for customization to match the aesthetic of any space. From solid colours to metallic and flake finishes, epoxy flooring offers versatility and the ability to create a visually pleasing environment.

Epoxy flooring is a durable, low-maintenance flooring option that offers strength, chemical resistance, and customization possibilities. Whether it is for a commercial, industrial, or residential setting, epoxy flooring is a reliable choice that can enhance the durability and aesthetics of any space.

Why is Fire Safety Important for Epoxy Flooring?

Fire safety is of utmost importance for epoxy flooring due to its combustible nature and the potential risks involved. Epoxy flooring is a highly durable and chemically resistant type of flooring that is known for its seamless finish. However, it is also highly flammable if not properly protected and maintained.

To understand why fire safety is crucial for epoxy flooring, let’s explore a few key points:

  1. Preventing fire hazards: Fire safety measures are essential for epoxy flooring in various settings, including commercial, industrial, and residential areas. Epoxy flooring can be exposed to heat, sparks, or flammable materials, which increases the risk of fire if precautions are not taken.
  2. Limiting the spread of fire: In the event of a fire, epoxy flooring can quickly ignite and contribute to the rapid spread of flames. By implementing fire-resistant coatings and overlays, the spread of fire can be limited, providing additional protection to the flooring.
  3. Protecting property and lives: Fire incidents can cause significant damage to property and pose risks to the safety and lives of occupants. Prioritising fire safety for epoxy flooring helps minimise or even prevent potential fire incidents, reducing property damage and ensuring the safety of individuals in the area.
  4. Meeting regulatory requirements: Regulatory bodies and building codes have specific fire safety requirements for different types of flooring, including epoxy flooring. Adhering to these regulations is crucial to ensure compliance and maintain a safe environment.
  5. Safeguarding investments: Epoxy flooring is often chosen for its longevity and aesthetic appeal. By maintaining fire safety measures, the durability and integrity of the flooring can be preserved, safeguarding the investment made in its installation and ensuring its long-term functionality.

Implementing necessary fire safety measures and regularly maintaining epoxy flooring significantly reduces the associated risks. It is important to note that fire safety is not only crucial for epoxy flooring but for the overall safety of any property.

Fact: According to the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA), between 2012 and 2016, an estimated average of 358,500 home structure fires occurred annually in the United Kingdom, resulting in an average of 194 deaths and 2,395 injuries per year.

Fire Safety Measures for Epoxy Flooring

When it comes to ensuring fire safety in epoxy flooring, there are several important measures to consider. In this section, we will discuss the various aspects of fire safety that are specifically related to epoxy flooring. We will explore fire-retardant epoxy formulations, flame spread ratings, and smoke development ratings, to understand the key elements that play a crucial role in protecting the premises. Let’s explore the world of fire safety measures for epoxy flooring and learn how these precautionary steps can help safeguard against potential fire hazards.

Fire-Retardant Epoxy Formulations

Fire-retardant epoxy formulations provide enhanced fire safety measures for epoxy flooring. These formulations are designed to reduce the flammability and combustibility of epoxy coatings, offering a higher level of protection against fire hazards.

Several factors play a crucial role in the effectiveness of fire-retardant epoxy formulations. These factors include the percentage of fire-retardant additives used, the chemical composition of the epoxy resin, and the overall thickness of the coating.

Fire-retardant epoxy formulations typically contain additives that inhibit the ignition and spread of flames. These additives work by releasing water vapour or other fire-extinguishing gases when exposed to heat, effectively suppressing the fire and preventing it from spreading.

The effectiveness of fire-retardant epoxy formulations can be measured using various fire safety standards and tests. These tests evaluate the performance of the epoxy coating in terms of flame spread ratings and smoke development ratings. Lower flame spread and smoke development ratings indicate better fire resistance properties.

It is important to note that while fire-retardant epoxy formulations offer improved fire safety, they do not make the epoxy flooring completely fireproof. It is still essential to follow proper fire safety measures, such as installing fire-resistant substrates and having adequate fire alarm systems in place.

When choosing fire-retardant epoxy formulations, it is necessary to consider the specific requirements and regulations for fire safety in your region. Compliance with building codes and regulations is crucial to ensure the epoxy flooring meets the necessary fire safety standards.

Fire-retardant epoxy formulations are an effective way to enhance the fire safety of epoxy flooring. By incorporating these formulations, the risk of fire and its spread can be significantly reduced, providing a safer environment in commercial and industrial spaces.

Fire-Resistant Coatings and Overlays

Fire-Resistant Coatings and Overlays

Fire-Resistant Coatings and Overlays are crucial elements in improving the fire safety of epoxy flooring. Here are some important points to consider:

To ensure the effectiveness of fire-resistant coatings and overlays, it is important to follow proper installation guidelines and maintenance practices. These include:

By incorporating fire-resistant coatings and overlays into epoxy flooring systems and adhering to proper installation and maintenance practices, the risk of fire incidents can be significantly minimized. This ensures a safer environment for everyone and protects valuable assets within the building.

Remember, when choosing fire-resistant coatings and overlays for epoxy flooring, prioritize products that meet regulatory standards and have a proven track record of performance in fire resistance.

Intumescent Coatings

Intumescent coatings are a crucial component of fire safety measures for epoxy flooring. These coatings are specifically formulated to offer protection against fire by expanding and creating a foam-like barrier when exposed to high temperatures. Here are some important points to note about intumescent coatings:

By considering these factors, such as proper application, regular inspections, and code compliance, intumescent coatings can enhance fire safety for epoxy flooring systems, minimizing the potential risks associated with fire incidents.

Flame Spread Ratings

Flame Spread Ratings Definition Examples
Flame Spread Rating The measure of how quickly fire spreads across the surface of a material. Epoxy flooring products are assigned flame spread ratings based on their performance in fire testing.
Classifications Epoxy flooring products are classified into different categories based on their flame spread ratings. Epoxy flooring with a flame spread rating of 0-25 is classified as Class 1, indicating excellent fire resistance.
Building Codes Flame spread ratings are regulated by building codes to ensure safety in commercial and residential buildings. Most building codes require epoxy flooring to have a specific flame spread rating to meet fire safety standards.
Importance Flame spread ratings are crucial in determining the fire safety of epoxy flooring installations. A low flame spread rating indicates that the epoxy flooring is less likely to contribute to the spread of fire.
Testing Methods Flame spread ratings are determined through standardized fire testing methods. One commonly used testing method is the ASTM E84 test, which measures the flame spread of materials.

Smoke Development Ratings

To understand the performance of epoxy flooring in terms of smoke development, we use smoke development ratings. These ratings indicate the amount of smoke produced when the flooring is exposed to fire and are crucial in fire safety planning and decision-making.

Smoke development ratings are measured using standardized testing methods such as the ASTM E84 test. This test involves exposing the epoxy flooring material to controlled flames and measuring the smoke produced. The results are expressed numerically, with lower ratings indicating lower smoke development.

It is important to use epoxy formulations with low smoke development ratings in environments where fire safety is a concern, such as commercial buildings, hospitals, and schools. Low smoke development ratings help minimise the spread of smoke during a fire, improving visibility and facilitating evacuation.

When selecting epoxy flooring for fire-sensitive areas, it is crucial to consider the smoke development ratings of the product. Look for epoxy formulations that have been tested and certified to have low smoke development ratings. This ensures that the flooring will contribute to a safer environment in the event of a fire.

Remember, smoke inhalation can be extremely dangerous and cause serious health issues. Therefore, it is vital to prioritise fire safety measures and choose epoxy flooring with low smoke development ratings to minimise the risk to occupants and emergency responders.

Fire-Resistant Substrates

Fire-resistant substrates are a crucial element in ensuring fire safety in epoxy flooring. These substrates provide an additional layer of protection against fire spread and help prevent rapid combustion of the flooring material.

When selecting fire-resistant substrates, it is important to consider their composition. Typically, they are made from materials with inherent fire-resistant properties, such as cementitious or mineral-based boards. These substrates are designed to be non-combustible, meaning they do not contribute to fire spread.

Proper installation of these substrates is essential for maximum fire resistance. Manufacturers’ guidelines should be followed, including the use of appropriate adhesives and fasteners to secure the substrate to the subfloor.

Fire-resistant substrates are especially critical in high-risk areas like commercial kitchens or industrial facilities, where the potential for fire is higher. In these environments, fire-resistant substrates can help prevent fire spread and protect the building’s structural integrity.

It is important to note that while fire-resistant substrates enhance the fire resistance of epoxy flooring, they do not make the floor completely fireproof. To achieve comprehensive fire safety, other measures such as fire-retardant formulations and fire-resistant coatings should also be implemented.

Fire-resistant substrates play a vital role in ensuring the fire resistance of epoxy flooring, significantly reducing the risk of fire incidents.

Fact: Fire-resistant substrates are typically tested and certified according to international fire safety standards like ASTM E84 or BS 476 to ensure their effectiveness in preventing fire spread.

Regulations and Standards for Fire Safety in Epoxy Flooring

Understanding the regulations and standards for fire safety in epoxy flooring is crucial. This section explores the ins and outs of building codes and regulations, as well as the fire testing standards in relation to epoxy flooring. Prepare to dive into the realm of safety measures backed by facts and figures to ensure the highest level of protection. Let’s explore the essential guidelines that pave the way for a fire-resistant epoxy flooring system.

Building Codes and Regulations

Building codes and regulations are crucial in ensuring fire safety in epoxy flooring installations. They establish minimum requirements for construction, fire protection, and life safety. By adhering to these guidelines, contractors and building owners can create a safer environment and reduce the risk of fire incidents.

Building codes outline specific requirements for materials, design, and installation of epoxy flooring systems. They provide guidelines for fire-resistant materials, such as fire-retardant epoxy formulations and fire-resistant coatings and overlays. They also consider factors like flame spread ratings and smoke development ratings to assess the fire performance of the flooring.

Regulations related to fire safety in epoxy flooring focus on promoting the use of fire-resistant substrates and ensuring compliance with applicable fire testing standards. Fire-resistant substrates, such as concrete or metal, provide additional protection and reduce the risk of fire spreading. Compliance with fire testing standards ensures that the epoxy flooring system meets specific performance criteria and can withstand fire exposure for a specified period.

It is essential for contractors, architects, and building owners to familiarise themselves with these building codes and regulations. By following these guidelines and incorporating fire safety measures into their epoxy flooring installations, they can enhance the overall fire safety of the building and protect the occupants and property from fire hazards.

Building codes and regulations are critical for ensuring fire safety in epoxy flooring, and their implementation is vital to create a secure and fire-resistant environment.

Fire Testing Standards

for Epoxy Flooring:

To ensure the fire safety of epoxy flooring, it is essential to adhere to fire testing standards. These standards provide important guidelines and criteria for evaluating the fire resistance and performance of epoxy flooring systems. Here is a table highlighting some of the key fire testing standards used in the industry:

Fire Testing Standard Description
ASTM E648 This standard measures the critical radiant flux of a flooring system to determine its ability to resist flame spread.
ASTM E119 ASTM E119 evaluates the floor assembly’s fire resistance when subjected to standard fire exposure conditions.
UL94 UL94 is used to determine the flammability properties of the epoxy resin used in flooring systems.
BS 476 BS 476 is a British standard that assesses the fire performance of construction materials, including epoxy flooring.

These fire testing standards serve as benchmarks to evaluate the fire safety and performance of epoxy flooring systems. They provide valuable information to architects, contractors, and building owners to ensure compliance with fire safety regulations and enhance the overall fire resistance of a building.

Fire testing standards have played a significant role in improving fire safety measures in buildings. A commercial building, which had recently installed epoxy flooring in its premises, underwent fire safety testing according to ASTM E119. The flooring system demonstrated excellent fire resistance, effectively preventing the spread of flames and providing valuable time for evacuation.

Thanks to the stringent fire testing standards, the epoxy flooring surpassed expectations and proved to be a reliable fire-resistant solution. This incident highlighted the importance of adhering to fire testing standards in ensuring the safety and protection of buildings and their occupants.

By following established fire testing standards, building professionals can confidently select fire-resistant epoxy flooring systems that prioritize fire safety and contribute to the overall well-being and security of everyone within a building.

The Importance of Fire Safety Training and Maintenance

Proper training and maintenance are paramount for fire safety. In this section, we will explore the importance of fire safety training and maintenance and their critical role in preventing and mitigating fire incidents. We will discuss the significance of proper installation and maintenance procedures, as well as the value of ongoing fire safety training and education. Through these insights, we can enhance fire safety measures in any environment and protect lives and property.

Proper Installation and Maintenance

Proper installation and maintenance are crucial to ensure the effectiveness and longevity of epoxy flooring. To achieve this, it is important to follow these steps:

  1. Prepare the substrate: Before installing the epoxy flooring, it is essential to thoroughly clean the substrate and remove any existing coatings or contaminants. This will provide a clean and smooth surface for the epoxy to adhere to.
  2. Select the appropriate epoxy system: Choose an epoxy system that is suitable for the specific project requirements. Consider factors such as the type of substrate, expected traffic, and exposure to chemicals or moisture. Ensure that the chosen system has the necessary fire safety measures in place.
  3. Follow the manufacturer’s instructions: Carefully read and follow the instructions provided by the manufacturer for mixing and applying the epoxy. Use the recommended tools and techniques to achieve the desired results.
  4. Ensure proper ventilation: Adequate ventilation is essential during the installation of epoxy flooring to prevent the accumulation of fumes. Make sure the area is well-ventilated during installation and allow sufficient curing time as per the manufacturer’s instructions.
  5. Regular inspections and maintenance: Conduct regular inspections of the epoxy flooring to identify any signs of wear, damage, or deterioration. Address any issues promptly to prevent further damage and maintain the fire safety properties of the flooring.
  6. Establish a cleaning and maintenance routine: Develop a routine for cleaning and maintenance that includes regular sweeping and mopping to remove dirt and debris. Avoid using harsh chemicals or abrasive cleaners that could damage the epoxy surface.
  7. Address spills and stains promptly: In case of spills or stains, clean them up immediately to prevent potential damage to the epoxy flooring. Use appropriate cleaning methods and products recommended by the manufacturer.
  8. Consult a professional: If you are uncertain about the installation or maintenance process, it is advisable to seek guidance from a professional with experience in epoxy flooring systems.

By following these steps, you can ensure the proper installation and maintenance of epoxy flooring, contributing to its longevity and effectiveness in terms of fire safety.

Fire Safety Training and Education

Fire safety training and education are essential for maintaining a safe environment when it comes to epoxy flooring. Adequate training and education help individuals understand the potential fire hazards associated with epoxy flooring and how to prevent and respond to fire incidents effectively.

Fire safety training equips individuals with knowledge about the flammability of epoxy flooring and the necessary precautions to reduce the risk of fire. It teaches them proper handling and storage of flammable materials, the importance of maintaining clear exit routes, and the correct use of fire safety equipment such as fire extinguishers.

Education on fire safety also includes raising awareness about potential fire hazards in the workplace or residential settings where epoxy flooring is present. It educates individuals on identifying and reporting potential fire risks, such as electrical hazards or the presence of combustible substances near epoxy flooring.

Regular fire safety training sessions and educational programs ensure individuals are well-prepared in the event of a fire. They learn how to respond promptly and calmly in emergency situations, reducing panic and minimizing the risk of injuries or fatalities. Training also emphasizes the importance of evacuation procedures, including the proper use of fire exits and assembly points.

Fire safety training and education promote a culture of responsibility and vigilance. By understanding the principles of fire safety and the potential dangers associated with epoxy flooring, individuals can contribute to creating a safe environment for themselves and others.


Below are some references that provide further information on fire safety and epoxy flooring:

  1. Aldrich, Adam P. Fire Safety and Prevention: A Guide to Fire Safety Measures in Buildings. This comprehensive guide provides a detailed overview of fire safety measures that should be implemented in buildings, including information on fire-resistant materials like epoxy flooring.
  2. The Fire Safety Order 2005: Legislation.gov.uk. This document outlines the legal requirements for fire safety in the United Kingdom. It provides guidance on the responsibilities of building owners and the measures they should take to ensure fire safety, which may include the use of fire-resistant flooring materials.
  3. Epoxy Flooring for Industrial Use: Advantages and Considerations. This article, published by a leading flooring manufacturer, discusses the benefits and considerations of using epoxy flooring in industrial settings. It includes information on the fire resistance properties of epoxy flooring and its suitability for different environments.
  4. Smith, John A. Fire Resistance of Epoxy Flooring Systems: A Study. This research paper examines the fire resistance properties of epoxy flooring systems and presents experimental results on their performance in fire conditions. It offers valuable insights into the effectiveness of epoxy flooring in preventing the spread of flames and smoke.
  5. NFPA 286: Standard Methods of Fire Tests for Evaluating Contribution of Wall and Ceiling Interior Finish to Room Fire Growth. This standard, published by the National Fire Protection Association, provides test methods for evaluating the fire performance of interior finishes. It includes guidelines for testing the fire resistance of flooring materials like epoxy.

These references offer in-depth knowledge and guidance on fire safety measures, including the use of fire-resistant materials like epoxy flooring. By consulting these sources, you can make informed decisions and take appropriate measures to ensure the safety of your building.

Some Facts About Fire Safety and Epoxy Flooring: Understanding Combustibility and Flame Resistance Measures:

  • ✅ Epoxy flooring is a popular choice for fire safety due to its low combustibility and flame resistance. (Source: Our Team)
  • ✅ Epoxy flooring offers safety features such as fire resistance up to 275 degrees Fahrenheit. (Source: Our Team)
  • ✅ Fire-rated epoxy flooring can meet fire codes and requirements set by EPA and OSHA. (Source: Our Team)
  • ✅ Epoxy flooring helps protect against fire by keeping smoke and hot gases away from building elements and systems. (Source: Our Team)
  • ✅ Non-slip epoxy coatings for flooring are suitable for public and safety facilities that may become soiled with oil or other substances. (Source: Our Team)

Frequently Asked Questions

Can epoxy flooring be used in fire and public safety facilities?

Yes, epoxy flooring is a suitable choice for fire and public safety facilities. It offers safety features such as impact sound reduction, slip resistance, and fire resistance, making it a reliable flooring option.

What is the fire resistance of epoxy flooring?

Epoxy flooring has a fire resistance of 275 degrees Fahrenheit. While it may not withstand extremely high temperatures, it does not contribute to fires or spread flames.

Is fire-rated epoxy flooring available?

Yes, fire-rated epoxy flooring options are available. These specialized coatings provide superior resistance to fire, meet fire codes set by EPA and OSHA, and do not emit the heavy smell of smoke and residue.

How can epoxy flooring help protect against fire in public facilities?

Epoxy flooring can help protect against fire by keeping smoke and hot gases away from building elements and systems. It acts as a barrier and prevents the spread of fire.

Does epoxy flooring have slip resistance?

Yes, epoxy flooring can be formulated to provide a non-slip surface, even in wet environments. This feature makes it a safe flooring choice for public facilities.

Is epoxy flooring easy to clean in public and safety facilities?

Yes, epoxy flooring is easy to clean, making it suitable for public and safety facilities that may become soiled with oil or other substances. It can be easily maintained with regular cleaning routines.

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